Joseph (Jake) Klein recently wrote a great article about Ritz Crackers. He notes that they were introduced in 1934 at a price of 19 cents for a one pound box. There are around 8.75 crackers per ounce so a 16-ounce box would yield around 140 of the tasty wafers. Ritz outsold every other cracker their first year on the market. Five billion were baked in 1935, giving every American 40 crackers on the average.
Today you can pick up a 13.7 ounce box at Walmart for $3.88. This will give you around 120 crackers. Blue-collar hourly compensation (wages and benefits) were around 53 cents in 1934. This would put the time price per cracker at 9.2 seconds. The blue-collar hourly compensation rate is up to $35.72 today, putting the rate per cracker at 2.8 seconds. The time price has fallen by 69.2 percent. You get 3.24 crackers today for the price of one in 1934. Ritz abundance has increased by 224 percent. This happened over the same period that U.S. population increased by 165 percent from 127 million to 336 million. Ritz abundance increased at a 36 percent faster rate than population.
Things used to be cheaper but were much less affordable. This is why comparing time prices over time is much more revealing. The time price is the true price we pay for the things we buy. As long as hourly income is increasing faster than prices, things can get more expensive and more affordable at the same time.
Tip of the Hat: J.K. Lund
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Gale Pooley is a Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute and a board member at Human Progress.
I constantly run the inflation caculator when people point back to complain about prices. Like the classic photo from the early 1970s showing a woman fueling a car with the price listed at 49 cents... but that puts gas at just under todays rate, inflation adjusted. Even more, measuring fuel efficiency, our current gas is 50% cheaper per mile. Then factoring the environmental impact of smog.... then factoring the lifetime drivability of the car etc. etc. etc... driving a car is significantly cheaper per mile than 50 years ago.